The best way to progress from a shared web hosting account to a practical semi–dedicated web server without any hassle. Get a simple point and click Control Panel. Have limitless domain names and databases. Utilize 2 CPU cores. A 99.9% server uptime is .
Furious Package
Unlimited Disk Space Unlimited Monthly Traffic Unlimited Hosted Domain(s) 2 CPU Core(s) Unlimited MySQL Storage Unlimited E-mail Accounts Unlimited MySQL Databases - » All features
24-core servers w/ 64gb RAM SSDs w/ Data Caching 99.9% Server Uptime Daily Data Backups 24/7 Technical Support No Data Corruption Data Compression ZFS Cloud Storage, Mail, MySQL
Furious hosting at
$30.00/mo.Evaluate our web hosting platform with a 30-day completely free trial period. No credit card needed.
SSH Access
Free of charge SSH access for your server
To let you communicate straight with your machine, without needing to work with the Online Control Panel, we incorporate SSH access with your Linux semi-dedicated package. With this capability, you will be able to quickly work with your files, databases and domain names using your terminal. However, since you will share the server with some other users, there’ll be no option for you to alter the server’s setup.
SSH access is included as an add-on service with the smaller bundle, and as a free of cost bonus with the bigger set-up.
24x7 Support
Write to us anytime
You may e–mail us 24/7 with any problems that you can have as related to our Linux semi-dedicated hosting. You can get in touch by using email and by the ticketing system and we’ll respond to you in as much as 60 minutes. In fact, our standard response time period is no more than 20 min. On business days, you could ring us or use the live messaging service on our website.
Free Dedicated IP
Absolutely free dedicated IP address for your machine
We add a zero-cost dedicated IP address with the Semi-dedicated 2 set-up. A dedicated IP address will help you quickly install an SSL certificate for your site or register your personal name servers that will point to your personal IP address.
The dedicated IP address is freely available to use once you access your Online Control Panel. Also, if you need additional dedicated IPs, it is easy to order as many as you need at a promotional cost through the Online Control Panel.
A Website Installer
Kickstart your site with a mouse–click
Releasing your site on the web is very simple with our quick 1–click Easy Web Site Installer. No development is expected, no web design capabilities are wanted. Simply pick the type of site you would like – private or company, and your preferred design and style template. Then press the Install button and your brand new site will be taken online immediately. You can discover the Website Installer in the AB3 WEB, LLC Application Installer.
- Get Started
Service guarantees
- All of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting are set up for you at no extra cost. 99.9% uptime guarantee. SSH access privileges. 100–percent–free Control Panel incorporated.
Compare our prices
- Check out AB3 WEB, LLC’s pricing and pick the most suitable semi–dedicated server for your growing websites. Upgrade to a more powerful server setup with only a click of the mouse.
- Compare Semi-dedicated servers
Contact Us
- Make contact with us whenever you want by email or through AB3 WEB, LLC’s Control Panel built–in ticketing system. 1–hour response time frame guarantee.